Join Our National Anti "Military Recruiters" Campaign In The Schools And Communities Featuring Iraq and Afghanistan Vets and World Can't Wait.
Visiting High Schools and Colleges with We Are Not Your Soldiers
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ca hsHope you have had a good and restful summer and that those of you who are educators and students are all set for a great 2015-16 academic year!

Many students will be returning with an increased consciousness of the systemic injustices towards people of color in this country. That awareness, while important in its own right, should be built on to include recognizing the injustices of empire and the U.S. military in particular. And why it is neither in their interests nor those of the people of the world for them to enlist.  The wars for empire continue and are at the heart of the flood of refugees risking their lives to escape the war zones of the Middle East and Africa.

We would like to work with you to develop a customized presentation to your class(es) by a recent Iraq-era veteran who will forthrightly explain his own experiences, engage in discussion with the students and answer their questions. You can watch excerpts from some recent presentations in Spring 2015 here.

For Southern California and NYC area: We can also arrange for a Viet Nam war resister who spent 19 months in prison, to give a historical and personal presentation. This can be done either by the resister or as a joint presentation with the recent veteran.

In addition, there is a further option of showing your students a film/s, followed by a guided discussion. The films deal with service in the US military, drones and torture.

We provide you with resources to both prepare for and follow up on our visit/s.

Please pass this information on to other colleagues who may be interested.  (If you are not a student, parent or retired teacher, please forward to anyone you know who is in education).

And, please let us know if you would like to have us visit. We are beginning now to set up our calendar for this school year.

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