Join Our National Anti "Military Recruiters" Campaign In The Schools And Communities Featuring Iraq and Afghanistan Vets and World Can't Wait.

Beginning on Monday November 26, we had another very full and meaningful week of We Are Not Your Soldiers visits to NYC high schools and colleges – this time with Marine veteran Lyle Rubin who had been stationed in Afghanistan.  Lyle told the story of an important part of his life – how he came […]

By Lyle Jeremy Rubin From n + 1 Magazine | Original Article My first and only war tour took place in Afghanistan in 2010. I was a marine lieutenant then, a signals intelligence officer tasked with leading a platoon-size element of eighty to ninety men, spread across an area of operations the size of my […]

Nothing we could write could convey more effectively what it means for students vulnerable to joining the U.S. military to hear from veterans conscious of how they could lose their humanity by enlisting. And that’s only half of the story. Most of the students whose classes we visit, whether in high school or college and […]