Join Our National Anti "Military Recruiters" Campaign In The Schools And Communities Featuring Iraq and Afghanistan Vets and World Can't Wait.
Active Spring Semester in New York State
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We started off in early March with a NYC high school visit by Vietnam veteran, Joe Urgo. Then between March 22-29,  we completed a full week of We Are Not Your Soldiers visits to NYC educational institutions as well as a trip to an upstate church youth social action program. In addition to the youth program, we spoke with 15 high school classes.  Army veteran John Burns, pictured above talking to high school students, also did joint presentations with Joe Urgo to five college classes.

Often, we show students the version of Collateral Murder narrated by veteran Ethan McCord. The bravery of Pvt. Chelsea Manning in releasing this film and of Wikileaks for publishing it gives young people the possibility of seeing for themselves the reality of the U.S. war on Iraq. (If you would like to have a copy of Collateral Murder, in several versions including the McCord narration, send us your request and a donation and we will mail you out a DVD).

A core idea we always ask the students to consider during all our presentations is the meaning of morality, of knowing the difference between right and wrong and what to do when you know that something is wrong.

On our return from upstate on Saturday March 23, we went to see the heart-rending and historic My Lai Memorial Exhibit which was on view in NYC that weekend. If it is shown anywhere near you, be sure to go to see it! We were so pleased to see a panel at the exhibit devoted to our We Are Not Your Soldiers project.

Miles Megaciph was back in NYC during his performance tour so we spent a day at a Manhattan high school.

We will be finishing up this semester with another college visit with Joe and then a couple of high school classes in May with Afghanistan veteran Lyle Rubin.

Your contributions make these visits happen. As one student wrote following a recent visit,  “although I was never interested in joining, now I don’t think anyone else should go either.” Help get this out and spread the message.

Your donations cover stipends & travel for the veterans.  We can’t cover these expenses without you.

And, heads up! Miles Megaciph’s tour continues across the country through May 4. Check the schedule and go to see a performance in your city. If you’re having an event around the time Miles will be near you, contact Miles via his website and let him know. Help support progressive music and musicians!

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